About Us

More about us

Our Organization is one of the non profit organizations near you.

We meet the second Tuesday of every month from March to June and September to November, offering guest speakers, hands-on workshops, plant sales, tree sales and carpooling trips for members and guests. All meetings are free, unless otherwise stated, and open to the public.
It’s a great way to make new friends in a welcoming and friendly environment.
The society provides a bursary to a West Elgin Secondary School student who will attend post-secondary education in either an agricultural or horticultural field.
Hanging baskets for the downtown, planting and maintaining the civic flower beds, the Eagle Pond Garden and the Centennial Garden in West Lorne and surrounding area, are just some of the activities that we do. We also decorate the street lights, in the downtown business section, for the different seasons with bows, banners and swags.
Annual membership is $12. Please message us for details. Membership comes with discounts on plant purchases at participating local businesses.  


Our membership form can be downloaded below. You can send it via mail, email or bring it with you to our next meeting.